HSBC Racing
racing off the coast of Howth
Every Wednesday night from late April to August end, we can be found racing off the coast of Howth, Sutton, and as far as Malahide. The clubs boats are a mix of sizes and classes and we race for fun around a course of buoys anchored in the bay.
Our racing Secretary Declan Howard aided by John Killeen sniff the air in Howth every Wednesday afternoon and take a stern look at the waves to decide the course.

fun & adventure
Racing is always conducted in a friendly manner, with encouragement for novice boat owners and their crews, and an overriding concern for safety. In winter, most of the members’ boats are stored ashore in the ‘Pen’ at the end of the East pier, and members work on them to prepare them for the following year.
a course of buoys
Starting at the end of April, club members can be found racing off the coast of Howth, Sutton, and as far as Malahide.
New members will pick up useful skills such as learning to read course cards, how a race is started,the procedures followed, and the basic rules involved in sailing.