About HSBC
Club History
In March 1982, a meeting was held in the Pier House, Howth, (now O’Connells) attended by between 50 and 60 people. At this meeting it was agreed to form an association of boating enthusiasts to preserve a tradition of affordable, community-based, mutually supportive activity in pleasure craft.
At a subsequent meeting in April 1984, those present voted to establish Cumann Bád Bhinn Éadair – Howth Boating Club. Mick Hunt was elected Chairman, Harry Breslin Secretary, and Pat Connolly Treasurer. Other members who have had continuous association with the club include Joe Ivory, Hugh Tierney and Dave Martin. Dave had more sea miles than anyone else in the club, sadly he passed away in 2022

Howth Sailing and Boating Club
Over the next few years, considerable time was spent seeking suitable club premises, and in 1988, with the support of Dr Michael Woods TD, the present clubhouse on the East pier was acquired, and it was officially opened on 27 May 1989.
In 1997, the club adopted a formal Memorandum and Articles of Association, became a Company Limited by Guarantee, and changed its name to the Howth Sailing and Boating Club – Cumann Seoltóireacht agus Bádóireacht Bhinn Éadair.
racing and cruising
The club has continued to thrive over the years, with a regular programme of racing and cruising throughout the summer months, and an equally gruelling programme of boat maintenance throughout the winter. Racing is always conducted in a friendly manner, with encouragement for novice boat owners and their crews, and an overriding concern for safety.
In winter, most of the members’ boats are stored ashore in the ‘Pen’ at the end of the East pier, and members work to prepare them for the following year. Our modern clubhouse was newly constructed in 2016 on the East Pier and provides a small but warm and cosy base for all out activities.

club membership
We are proud to include our current President Michael D Higgins as an honorary member. We had the pleasure of entertaining him for the Asgard Centenary Celebrations in July 2016 albeit in the old clubhouse on the same site.
The Club is run by an volunteer Executive Committee who are elected at an AGM. Positions on the Committee are planned to be held for two years, in practice they may be longer.
club executive
The Executive is led by volunteer Commodore who has all organisational, financial and governance responsibility for the Club.
The Commodore is supported by the Vice-Commodore, the Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Sailing Secretary, and other committee members.
There is an AGM which is open to full members at which motions and issues are debated. The Club has a written constitution and any changes to the Club Constitution can be made at the AGM.